Brightening the economic future of the Texas Panhandle and beyond

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We envision solar developments that benefit the Panhandle’s economy, landowners, and the environment.

Long-term, we intend to expand our scope to include future projects within the High Plains region and beyond. The time is right for solar PV development in the High Plains, and we intend to take advantage of the current and upcoming economic and governmental opportunities to bring value to rural communities.

Our first Project: Farm 1

For our first development, we are creating a utility-scale solar farm that covers ~15,000 acres of Hutchinson County. This location is ripe for a development of this kind due to its high solar irradiance, an abundance of land, and proximity of both ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas) and SPP (Southwest Power Pool) interconnections.

About Solar PV Power in the United States

Over the last couple of decades, solar energy has been expanding rapidly in the US — especially utility-scale photovoltaic (PV) solar power. This is due primarily to a steady decline in costs and improvement in efficiency across the industry. According to the US Department of Energy, half of all U.S. PV capacity installed in the first half of 2022 was located in California, Texas, and Florida due to these states’ irradiance, labor availability, and interconnection reform. We believe the time is right to take advantage of these larger market trends and construct Farm 1.

Image source: National Renewable Energy Laboratory

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